Quality Transparency

HCGC Releases Latest Regional Quality Transparency Report
Innovations and Lessons Learned Amidst Pandemic
by Carrie Baker, President & CEO

Central Ohio providers continue to be open and transparent with one another about how they perform on specific quality measures with an eye on improving health and healthcare delivery across the region. HCGC is pleased to release our second Quality Transparency report of 2020

 with data on nine clinical quality measures from 13 healthcare organizations representing over 223 primary care practice sites that are caring for more than 881,234 patients across Central Ohio. Our Quality Improvement Learning Group (QILG) has hosts quarterly work sessions for practices and quality improvement system leaders to evaluate regional performance, set goals, and align improvement activities at a system and practice level.
Since 2014, the report has been released twice a year, providing benchmarking, trends and important insights to help as practices strive for continuous improvement. Over the years, HCGC has increased the number of practices from just over 80 reporting in 2014, to 223 in the most current iteration of the report.  The number of quality measures has also increased as a result of the collaborative work of the QILG. 
For the first time, and amidst a global pandemic, contributors reported data on telehealth services provided by their practices. While several preventative screening targets were predictably under target, this report demonstrates that central Ohio providers rose the challenge of using innovation to provide access to care at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. On average, practices performed over 1,000 telehealth appointments with patients during this reporting period. This data demonstrates that providers in the region prioritize the safety and healthcare of their patients. Providing telehealth services to patients allows for a continuum of care, while ensuring the safety of central Ohio patients from preventable exposure to the coronavirus.
HCGC has decided not to include social determinant of health (SDOH) data as it has done in the past
two QT reports. Over the last year, HCGC has been working with a data analytics firm to combine our
SDOH and clinical quality data in a more comprehensive way that highlights regional trends and
improvement activities going forward. We look forward to sharing our progress with partners in 2021.
HCGC and the QILG are grateful to our contributing practices for their continued commitment to transparency and innovation to meet the needs of their patients. If you are interested in joining the QILG, or contributing data to the report please contact HCGC President & CEO, Carrie Baker at carrie@hcgc.org


Comprehensive Primary Care


Patient Centered Outcomes Research