Patient Centered Outcomes Research

HCGC Hosting Six Part Webinar Series with Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute 
by Heidi Christman, Director of Communications

The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute has funded HCGC to hold a series of webinars in late 2020 and into the first half of 2021. With an overall emphasis on health equity and eliminating disparities, the sessions will feature PCORI funded research, as well research and initiatives in Ohio.  The planning committee for this series consists of key stakeholder representatives of the HCGC Board of Directors.  Another important group working to inform the content and objectives for the webinars are a group of researchers from around Ohio that serve as PCORI Ambassadors.  The PCORI Ambassador Program is a volunteer network of individuals dedicated to changing the culture of health research. In their communities and nationally, Ambassadors are shifting how research is being done by partnering with researchers, leading engagement initiatives, setting priorities, and spreading the word about the importance of stakeholder-engaged research.  These two groups of diverse stakeholders have been instrumental in preparing and planning for what is sure to be a valuable learning experience for webinar attendees.

There will be three background-based pre-webinars in December and January.  The first webinar is tentatively scheduled for Friday December 4th, and will provide an overview of PCORI, their research, and HCGC’s ongoing relationship with PCORI to disseminate and convene a diverse stakeholder group to learn about PCORI research.  Two webinars will take place in January: Diversity and Inclusion Efforts in Ohio and Importance of Engaging Patients and their Families. Keynote webinars will begin in February and cover PCORI and other research based upon:

  • Health Equity in Communities

  • Addressing Maternal Mortality

  • Tackling Chronic Pain While Reducing Opioid Use

  • Mental Health and Chronic Disease in Minority Populations

  • COVID-19 Research into Action

Each webinar will have an overall emphasis on research that addresses eliminating health disparities and improving equity for vulnerable populations. Programming will provide multiple stakeholders, including patients and families, providers, non-profit and government entities, researchers, and payers. It is the goal of the planning committee and HCGC staff to provide content to attendees that gives action steps based on evidence-based research to address the health disparities that exist in these important areas of healthcare both locally and around the country.

Registration for the series will begin in mid-November, and will be open to a statewide audience. For more information on programming or the planning process, contact Heidi Christman at


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